AI-powered art exhibition management for
curators and visitors.

Our platform is also designed to address the unfulfilled needs of visitors…
Pain Points

How can I find a
museum experience or
exhibition that caters
specifically to my

Once there, how can I
get personalized,
insightful content about
the art, that’s neither
too brief nor too
overwhelming for me?

How can I engage with
my favorite artists and
other visitors outside of
my physical visits?

How can I ensure that I,
and especially my
children, have a great
time together and can
learn about culture, art,
and society?


First in the industry

Co-Pilot end-to-end platform for curators & educators to personalize visitor experiences, facilitate visitor management and social engagement utilizing Gen AI.

Our Product

Our platform is designed with Curators to tackle the most urgent industry pain points…

How can I find the time to create comprehensive educational content for my visitors?


With my limited budget and time, what creative strategies can I use to enhance marketing efforts?


How can I improve analytics and data management to better understand my visitor engagement and preferences?


How can I save time from manual, paper-based exhibition research?



Product Overview


Exhibition Management

Our Solution

We are a Co-Pilot end-to-end platform for curators & educators to
personalize visitor experiences, facilitate visitor management and
social engagement utilizing Gen AI


meet our expert team

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right.

Bastian Wagner

Founder & CEO
7 Years of FIntech/Product Experience 15 Years Experience in Investment Management
Co- Founder of a Global Art Fund
M.A Art History & Visual Cultures
M.A & B.A Business, B.A Economics

Alex Kopnin

Founder & CTO
18 Years of CTO/Architect Experience
Head Of Technology Solutions at Luxsoft
Visual Artist Deploying Biomaterials
M.A & B.A Computer Science

Ildar Simmon

Machine Learning Developer
18 Years Data Scientist/ML Engineer Experience
Expert in Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Private Art Collector
B.S Mathematics & Mechanics

Marianna Di-Bella

Product Marketing
Curator & Communication At Welt Museum Wien
M.A & B.A Cultural Studies
Research Manager for KL Culture (Applications for AI Museum)